Project 1: Push button to control LED

dev board image

The Constraints File

After the synthesis step, iCEcube2 will need a constraints file in order to resolve top-level FPGA pins to the design. For the Nandland Go board, the constraints file can be found on the Nandland website, or copy it directly from here:


The constraints file contains the physical pin assignments for the following signals:
dev board image

VHDL Solution

This is a pretty straightforward solution, tying each push-button signal directly to it's corresponding LED:
dev board image

Solution Files:

Workflow in iCEcube2

  1. Start a New Project
  2. dev board image

  3. Add source code files
  4. dev board image

  5. Run Synthesis

  6. Run Place and Route

  7. Check resources used (when P&R completes)
  8. dev board image

  9. Generate bitstream
  10. dev board image

  11. Use the Diamond Programmer to load the bitstream file onto the FPGA board.
  12. The .bin file is located here: project\project_Implmnt\sbt\outputs\bitmap

    dev board image

    dev board image

  13. Test on the actual hardware!

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