
About Us

Meet the Nanonauts

We are the nanonauts.

Our names are Holly, Dervla, Daniel, and Sam.

Picture of the Nanonauts

Daniel - Singer extraordinaire

Picture of Daniel

Daniel is the Nanonauts' singer. He likes to sing all the time - not just when he's playing with the Nanonauts! His mom and dad say he learned to sing before he learned to talk!

Daniel also plays clarinet and is learning the alto saxophone.

Sam – One-man rhythm section

Picture of Sam

Sam had music in his blood from the day he was born. Both his mom and dad play instruments and got him his first drum kit when he was only five years old, which led to trouble with the neighbors. On some songs he plays the bass guitar and on some songs the drums. Sam loves playing in the Nanonauts but hates carrying his drum kit around.

Holly – If it's got strings, she'll play it

Picture of Holly

Acoustic guitar? Electric lead guitar? Ukelele? Harp? Holly can play them all. She started off by making homemade guitars from cardboard boxes and elastic bands till her uncle took pity on her and bought her a Spanish guitar for Christmas. After a few lessons at school she was flying!

Dervla – Keyboard maestro

Picture of Dervla

Dervla has fourth grade piano but in secret prefers to play electronic keyboards. She loves synthesizer sounds and arguing with Holly over who should play the basslines.